Berlins Museum for Natural History (Naturkundemuseum) is a wonderful place full of fascinating things to see and learn – and we had backstage access.
Category: Video
Berlin Festival of Lights 2017
Festival of Lights (FoL) in Berlin is an annual event were majour landmarks are illuminated with 3D mapping artwork, here are some first impressions from FoL 2017
Berlin Pedal Battle 2017
First Impressions from 2017’s velo-crazed middle-ages tournament Berlin Pedäl Bättle is one of those curious events that I’d like...
Olympus Perspective Playground Berlin
Supposedly a Wet dream for photographers the whole thing was a bit disappointing. But let us start in the...
Open Air Concert in Berlin’s Mauerpark
Frase, Priester Sisters and Andy V presented by Klara Geist For those of you who don’t know, Mauerpark, is...
Happy New Year
A Lego Star Wars Stop Motion Seasonal Greeting
Best of Hiking in the Austrian Dolomites
Lienz, Osttirol In June, just before our trip to Trieste we spend a couple of days in the Austrian...
Trieste – city of wind
Trieste is a fascinating city with a colourful history that shapes the city to this day. Join us on the ultimate day-trip and check our 3-part video series.
The power of music
How to pick music for video and where to get it I’m still relatively new to video, although Thore...
60 seconds: Volker von Polly & Bob
Nachbarschaft und Flashmobs Die Internetplattform Polly & Bob hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Menschen aus der Nachbarschaft miteinander zu...